Monday, May 2, 2016

May 2nd 2016

May 2nd

7:30 PM
     Today offered a different plan than what was expected, after talking with Todd Workman on Saturday, discussing our plans, we decided to have a meeting at 10 o'clock at Toad Hall today. The meeting consisted of a formal explanation on the history of Franklin and the money system throughout all the governments, which Todd then tied into the project that he was assigning me. The project would consist of diving into the history of communities and how a sense of community is formed, during this conversation I was taking notes and this is what I managed to grasp from the conversation.

Franklin Falls

What I need to do…
Read these Books
  1. Transition Handbook by Rob Hopkins
  2. Small is Beautiful by EF Schumacher (1973)
  3. Voluntary Simplicity by Dwayne Elgin
  4. The Creature of Jekyll Island 
Create an individual outline for all of these books and then create one on how they all tie together and can benefit the community of Franklin.

Creating a…
Short research paper on how Franklin could become a transition town via The Transition Handbook
Construct a website for Franklin Falls Fitness Meet Up 
To develop a sense of community 
How do people in this modern age move into a town and meet people? This age is on a foundation of technology that connects us but we have never been more individualized as a species. In the 17 and 1800s towns all over the world were self-sufficient and now if Franklin were to loose supply of one thing all of a sudden they would face major problems. How could technology advance so much but force towns away from being self-sufficient? That this the goal we are striving for.
Research other fitness clubs in Franklin and create a map for the website

Things to look at…
The Gold Standard and how Nixon removed that from our government system
Federal Home Loan Bank of Boston
Fraction Reserve Banking System
Learn about the history of money and collapses (Currency Failing)
Such as the Confederate Bill
Germany after WWII
Berkshires - Uses a community based monetary value - an alternative currency, money stays in the community and creates a sense of community.

Learn how to become a better community, one simple little way on how to foster a sense of community. 

Without people you will not accomplish anything.

The books that I will be reading and the website that I will be making can be done at my house and Todd estimated I would spend about half of my time doing research and the other half using that to make a model for the city of Franklin. Today I worked from 10-630, which consisted of visiting libraries searching for the books I need to read and rearranging my room into a more office-like space.



  1. Glad you are up and going on your blog. Post some pictures! Looks like an interesting reading list.

  2. You've got your work cut out for you! This reading is going to serve as a foundation for your project though, so work hard early and lay that firm foundation.

  3. Riley, I'm glad to know that you are finally busy at work in Franklin! Love the reading list and the notes. Keep it going. This is an awesome project.
